Sustainable Development

Seklaoui inaugurates a public hall in Al Hussaina, Akkar

16 February 2023
Seklaoui inaugurates a public hall in Al Hussaina, Akkar

The Regie Director General Eng. Nassif Seklaoui has sponsored the opening ceremony of the public hall in the town of Al Hussaina – Akkar, in the presence of His Eminence, Mufti of Akkar, Sheikh Zaid Bakkar Zakaria, a representative of the Greek Orthodox Archbishop of Akkar, Basilios Mansour Al Khoury, Father Boulos Nasr, and the head of the Department of Agriculture and purchase in the North Dr. Eng. Muhammad Kabbara, Director of Leaf Tobacco, Eng. Abdel Mawla Al Mawla, Head of the Tobacco Technology Department, Eng. Wassim Torros, and the expert, Eng. Daoud Daoud, along with political and religious figures, head of municipalities, municipal unions, mayors, agricultural unions and popular bodies.

The ceremony has initiated with the Lebanese national anthem, followed by a minute of silence in mourning the souls of the earthquake victims, then colleague Munther Al Meraabi delivered a speech in which he welcomed the Regie Director General Nassif Seklaoui and the attendees.

Then, the Mayor of Al Hussaina, Dr. Muhammad Hamoudha, addressed a speech in which he considered that this achievement is nothing but a continuation of the achievements of the Regie, which was and still is the first support of Akari farmers, and an advocate for their rights and livelihood, and “today it launches the process of construction and development in our deprived areas to establish a road map for Akari farmers who suffer from poverty and deprivation.

He said: In this dear town, we relish the beauty of brotherhood in its best form, and the joy of solidarity in its most beautiful form, to bear witness to your patriotic contributions. Yes, we thank you for your achievements stemming from your authentic nature. You are a unique example of performance and management and a bright image of this beloved and oppressed country.

He added: Your Excellency, Director General, you are the supporter of tobacco farmers and the supporter of development projects in their villages, and thanks to you, tobacco seedlings have turned into a support and the farmers have become able to withstand these difficult circumstances. You are the support of our remaining farms, and you are the symbol of leading successful institutions and respecting the law.

He concluded by renewing his thanks to the management of the Regie and to all its workers and employees for this offer and performance.

In turn, His Eminence, the Mufti of Akkar, Sheikh Zaid Bakkar Zakaria, has spoken and approached the political and economic situation and the successive crises that the citizens and the country are facing as a result of the rampant corruption and the rivalries between the officials in power, while the country and the people are drowning amid the neglect of all parties.

He said: history will remember and record this era of Lebanon to be taught for generations, so what did the rulers of the country have offered!

He added: these projects across the country are an example, Mr. Nassif Seklaoui, of your care and support and the support of the active and keen municipal chiefs, and the support of every jealous person. We affirm the core of brotherhood and

love that characterize Akkar, which we always underline through spiritual meetings that are the jewel of Akkar, with the Eminent bishops and brother sheikhs. This is a meeting through which we affirm our coexistence and that Akkar is deprived of everything except love and brotherhood. When we find out that there are caring officials in the ministries and departments, and people in the diaspora that we recognize their keenness on their villages and towns, we cannot but to pray to them to be rewarded for their kindness.

His Eminence concluded by congratulating the people of Al Hussaina and its surroundings for this hall, to be the beginning of more activities and projects through which we meet over love, brotherhood, and cooperation.


For his part, Father Boulos Nasr spoke on behalf of the pastor of the Diocese of Akkar, Archbishop Basilios Mansour, passing to the attendees the greetings, love, and blessing of Archbishop Mansour, who considers he who seeks goodness is similar to its doer and that the serviceable work overpass sectarian, familial, nepotism, and geographical boundaries because it is a light that shines for all.


Then the Director General of the Regie, Eng. Nassif Seklaoui, delivered a speech in which he said: when we come to the loyal Akkar and its plains and towns, we come around good people who are steadfast in their land, and among the green seedlings. We come to Akkar carrying on the palm of our hand contributions that are meant to be an explicit call for steadfastness in the back gardens and the wilderness. Our project this time was in Zouk Al Hussaina by contributing to the establishment of a public hall for social events through a financial contribution that started in 2019. We have contributed to the establishment of a public hall here because there is no society without social events, while these events strengthen the relations between members of the community. As well, such halls are used for training, rehabilitation, and development. These are our goals in the Regie to stand by our people, villages, and farmers. We, in the Regie, have decided not to abandon our people in Akkar. Allow me to express my thanks and appreciation here to the Mayor, Dr. Mohamed Hamoudha, for his insistence on bringing this project to a good end despite all the conditions that Lebanon is going through.

Dear, we, at the Regie, have allocated, over the past years, a small part of our profits to serve the municipalities and farmers. Our administrative development has led us to develop a sustainable plan in 2016, whereas we have implemented about 246 development projects in various Lebanese regions, including 48 projects in Akkar Governorate.

From Akkar, the land of the forgotten people, so that our demand reaches the members of parliament and the first initiator of development and the sponsor of our sustainable plan President, Nabih Berri. He has always been keen to provide the best conditions for farmers and their towns. His Excellency expresses his greeting to you sending a message of love and appreciation for this good, loyal, and generous land and its good people, the people of Akkar in general and Zouk Al Hussaina in particular.

We address again and again the deputies who have signed the decision of cancelling the contributions, especially those who have proceeded with it without considering its consequences.

Messrs. deputies, are we compelled to stop our development projects if the state is helpless? Should we cancel the programs of training, rehabilitation, and development and not come together for a good cause?

At the Regie, we support rigid control over financial waste and contributions to false bodies financing fake organizations, festivals, and exhibitions. However, gentlemen, we are a capable and productive body, providing assistance from our and our employees resources and sweat and from our loyalty to the farmers, and the farmer's loyalty to the dawn and the sunrise. Despite that, we have offered you an accessible solution.

We reassure the syndicates that, similarly to last year, we will purchase the crops of this season paying in cash dollar, without going through banks and without any financial complications. We will work on improving tobacco prices so that the agriculture restores its previous state.

Dear beloved and honorable, if there is anything offered by the state to Akkar, it shall be the Regie’s projects. We have opened training centers, established social halls, reservoirs and water canals, paved roads, provided ambulances, built public parks and municipal centers, and supported health centers.

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